Are We Apes?

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Evolution has sometimes been imagined as a straight line between chimpanzees and modern humans. However, many scientists think that the process was much more complicated, with many different branches of hominids (human ancestors), some of which were evolutionary dead-ends, leading to  modern humans and other apes. Scientists estimate that between 7–6 million years ago our human lineage shared a common ancestor with our closest living relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos. So just how different are humans and chimps?


Human arms are much shorter and weaker, and human feet are much weaker and less flexible than ape feet. These physical differences result from humans’ exclusive bipedalism, or walking on two legs.

Humans have spoken language.

The human brain is approximately three times the size of the chimp brain, with a much larger cerebral cortex used for complex memory,language, consciousness and thought.


Chimps and humans share a use of language and expression, and both demonstrate intelligence, emotions and a sense of self.

98% of DNA is shared.

Chimps and humans both make use of tools.

Chimps and humans have similar physical structures, particularly opposable thumbs and large brains relative to body size.

Both chimps and humans can walk on two (hind) legs.

Are We Apes?